Monday, February 4, 2008

How to help!!

HELLO there my friends, Madmonkey67 here and I want you to help me to help you!

I am in dire need of people who can animate and or draw because I cant do either and I would Love for MINE AND YOUR animating dreams to come true!

Please if you can help please do so, just think if you do this then you and I might end up being FAMOUS ALL OVER THE NET and maybe even beyond. ;)

My e-mail is and for AIM it's Madmnky67.

Thank you for your time! Have a nice day.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Accidents At Home

Accidents at home! Have you heard of this before? That studies show that most accidents occur at home. Did you know that? Yes, each year all sorts of hard earned tax payers dollars go to STUPID organizations that these STUPID studies that tell us something obvious!! "Well studies show that most accidents DO occur at home!" Well, NO SHIT! Wouldn't it be obvious that since you like in this "home" and spend 90% of your lives in these "homes" wouldn't common sense dictate that, yes, most accidents would occur in a place you spend most of your time?! "Well studies show that fewer accidents happen when your on vacation." Well since I only get to take take 1 vacation say, EVERY 6 YEARS, chances are that's correct, don't do it much so chances of an accident are pretty slim. Good job research department! Then they try to get details about these same studies by looking closer in to the subject matter. "Well, we all know most accident occur in the home, but did you know most of those accidents occur in the bathroom?" Well je, a completely tiled room that tends to get damp and slippery, with large protruding ceramic fixtures JUTTING out of the walls, you know razors blades laying around, clipping shears, electrical devices dangling over a sink or tub filled with water? Accidents, there, naw GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! "no no no it's true, and the kitchen, the kitchen is the 2nd most dangerous room in your house." Really, the kitchen you say? Whole room filled with sharpened utensils, gas stove, toaster, other various items that create a dangerous amount of heat? You mean this place is dangerous, get out I don't believe that for one second. "Yep it's true, I read a new research study about it." Well je, THAT WASN'T A WASTE OF TAX PAYERS MONEY!! What urks me more than these dopie studies, are the studies that tell everyone, that these studies waste a lot tax payer money. That drives me nuts, do we really need a team of "experts" telling us that another team of "experts" are wasting our money, ISN'T THAT A WASTE OF MONEY! They should really let every American vote on what studies are actually done. I don't want some idiotic senate ASSHOLE telling some research group to do a study on how big cars use more gas then economy cars. It's obvious. I really think we need to weed out some of these egghead lab rats and start using the tax payer money a little more wisely say I don't know, EDUCATION! JUST A THOUGH!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Messed up conversations with drunks

You know what PISSES ME OFF, you know when your having a conversation with someone and for some reason you get on to a particular topic, in this case lets say the topic is...nuts. Don't you hate how the other person usually has to make some DUMB ASS sexual comment creating some kind of lam ass pun base on you ligament topic of conversation. lets say you say something like "I not sure I like those nuts, they leave a weird taste in my mouth" then the other person in the usual DUMB ASS fashion just has to say something like "uh you don't like the nuts in your mouth?". Then he or she laughs like a idiot for half hour because they think they made a clever joke out of your topic of conversation. THESE PEOPLE NEED TO BE KILLED, I am sick and tired of people warping simple topics into something perverted. God forbid if your a woman who gets caught up in some kind of twisted wordplay like this, before you know it everyone at work or school is getting on your back because you made a comment about a large ball. It's unnecessary, it's stupid and it just shows that your thinking with your sexual organs rather that your brain. This being the case someone should glue your mouth to your butt so that they may illustrate that you truly indeed SUCK ASS!! Next topic, drunk people. You know the type of ASSHOLE who always has to get shit faced on the weekends, who goes staggering around, patting you on the back, like your his best friend when all you want him to do is get in his car and drive home recklessly! I'm sick and tired of some incoherent ASSHOLE who smell like a case of malt liquor, all of a sudden talking about the philosophy of life while trying to pick up some woman at a bar. Nice! What worse is those FUCKING DOLTS that go around and actually tell you how fuck up they got the night before. Like they deserve some type of reward for falling face first in a patch of tomatoes in there back yard at 4:00 A.M in the morning. "Don't forget, friends don't let friends drive drunk." SCREW THAT, as far as I'm concerned give them the keys, rev up the engine and let them go sailing home with a bottle of tequila in their lap. 1 of 3 things will happen: 1. the cops will pull him over and end up having to beat the shit out of him just because this fucker is in a drunken rage and refuses to turn off Neil Diamond's, "They're coming to America". #2. They wrap themselves around telephone pole and either be killed or paralyzed. Cruel you say, well so is inflicting your drunken stupidity on the rest of the world. So be ready to pay the consequences ASSHOLE. Scenario #3, my least favorite, they make it home o.k. and pass out on the lawn with their motor running while the radio is blasting some DUMB ASS metal song from the mid 80s that no one wants to hear anymore. At least it gives them a chance to try again next week. So if your a drunken idiot or a moron who has to manipulate ligament conversations to get a cheap thrill out of your luby hole please feel free to get together on the weekends, drive around drunk, make all the twisted sexual comments you like I'll just watch from the local diner window as they scrape your body off the pavement with a FUCKING spatula! Get out of our FUCKING lives you moronic ASSHOLES, your existence is useless and your dragging down the collective intelligence of humanity. Don't like what I have to say? here's the keys a bottle of Jack Daniels. I'll see you tomorrow, but hopefully not.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Smoking Smokers

You know, I FUCKING CAN'T STAND SMOKERS, living in Vegas doesn't help either. Not your average smokers that actually smoke, I'm talking about your half hearted quitter. Now there are 2 types of quitters, those who say "you know what I quit" and actually quit and never pick up another cigarette again. I like these people, they are strong willed beings who deserve a big piece of cake or sugary item of their choice. Then theres the other type of quitter, the "I've been trying to quit for 10 years now" quitter. The FUCKING weak willed JACKASS who smokes for 1 week, quits for 3 days, and starts right back up again because he or she "needs their fix" and can't handle reality without their nicotine. Now just because they decided to quit, any time something goes wrong they get all bet out of shape and depressed and for some reason decide to everything out on you, the non-smoker. Well guess what, I"M NOT DEALING WITH THAT SHIT, FUCK THESE HALF ASS QUITTERS AND THEIR IDIOTIC EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTERS. IF YOUR A QUITTER FUCKING QUIT, IF YOUR A SMOKER, SMOKE YOUR GOD-DAMN BRAINS OUT just don't be one of these PUSSY ASS BULLSHITTERS who "wants to quit but just can't do it" GROW UP!! Don't go around and ruin every ones fucking day just because you can't have a cigarette! You know that's what they do, they all just ruin your day. Now just because they're going through nicotine withdrawals, these brain dead over developed cum shots are bursting into tears or setting themselves on fire anytime the office copier isn't working properly. A lot of people like to say "well you don't really understand unless your a smoker" frankly I just don't really give a shit. Just because some asshole made the mistake of smoking up and getting addicted to nicotine 12 years ago all of a sudden I have to be all supportive and understanding on their "road to recovery", SCREW THAT!! I went through my life making DAMN sure I didn't smoke, and now, because some ASS CLOWN didn't have the will power to say NO and got hooked 12 years ago, I'm suppose to take their moody BULLSHIT?! FUCK THEM, FUCK THEM UP THE ASS WITH A PACK OF CIGARETTES AND 3 CIGARS!! These indecisive wastes of DNA need to make a FUCKING choice, your either a smoker or your not, find out which one and be that person. If you can't decide then stay the FUCK away from me and eat some of those nicotine patches until your eyes turn yellow. Stop bothering me with your pathetic crap you loser.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Hot enough for ya

Do you ever watch the news, during the summer, and on a really hot day some JACK OFF umbrella sucking weather reporting smuck "goes to the people" and asks them "so is it hot enough for ya?". This drives me nuts, I mean its a hundred degrees outside and this over paid rain cloud is set out to stop people on the street, where its really hot, and ask these poor sweaty bastard's an idiotic question like "is it hot enough for ya?" WELL WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK!!. I would personally like to give sarcastic to these news assholes who seem to go out of their way to stop me on the street. "So is it hot enough for ya? Well no Bob, actually I could do with another 20 degrees because my balls haven't completely shriveled up yet. Yep 20 more degrees should do it". Then they ask the other "hot weather" question "So what are you doing to stay cool? Well Bob I just put my dick in the ice cream cone your eating and that helped a bit but long term coolness will definitely require me to stick my hairy naked ass in your catered punch bowl!!" People like this just make me want to throw a big heaping handful of fire in their face, IS THAT HOT ENOUGH FOR YA!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


so I guess I should say something about fighting,

FIRST OFF: what the hell is with people saying fighting never solves anything.
Hell yeah it solves things, it might be a stupid way 2 solve things or not the best choice, but it sure as hell solves things.

SECOND OFF: whats with people who say walk away, thats a last resort for me. Even if I know I cant win the fight I wont walk away, I can take a hit.

THE IMPORTANT PART: okay, fighting isnt a resfect thing, you dont force somebody 2 respect you by fighting them. But I usually dont fight for myself. If any of my friends ar threatened than its hell. the thing is, dont ever fight for a rep or for respect.

Another side note: never fight at school. If your mad at somebody and you want 2 fight take it somewhere where you cant get caught and get it out of your system. DONT HOLD A GRUDGE!!!!! you fought and finished, if you were still mad then dont stop fighting until your completely done and fine.


Friday, August 31, 2007

The Long War Ahead - Characters 2


SGT. Frank McCullin
29th Infantary Age: 37 Chicago
A carrier soldier, Mccullin has had any hope he may have once harbored beaten out of him. Now he knows death is the only way he'll ever get out of the war.
CPL. Mike "Dix" Dixon
29th Infantary Age: 33 San diego
Nothing fazes dix. He can sleep anywhere, always has a smile ready, and is rock solid in battle. He and Mccullin have seen each other through some tough times.
PFC. Salvator Guzzo
29th Infantary Age: 28 Boston
As far as Guzzos concerned, his role in france is to live and thats all - no matter what it takes or who he has to step over along the way.
PVT. Leroy Huxley
29th Infantary Age: 27 Louisiana
A common thief back home in Baton Rouge, huxley can now take pride in himself as a good soldier - and he gets some free pickings along the way.
MAJ. Gerald Ingram
Special Air Service Age: 46 England
Ingram has fought with many heros and lostmany men so its hard to impress him. But he does give credit where credit is due.
CPL. Duncan Keith
Special Air Service Age: 29 Scotland
Keith will keep you alive, but mistake him for an englishman and you're liable to lose your head - particularly if you are french.
Isabelle Dufontaine
Maquis Resistance Age: 26 France
Once a simple farm GIRL, any innocence she once had has been kicked out of her. She is Ready to die for the cause as long as she takes down 3 or 4 germans with her.
Pierre Laroche
French SAS Age: 38 france
Pierre and Ingram share similar ideals. Justice, discipline and a rowdy party when the war is over.
Maquis Resistance Age: ? France
Little is known about Marcel, not even his last name. One day he just staggered into Laroche's safe house with a stock of german rifles and a gunshot wound in the back!
LT. Jean-guy Robichaud
Argyils of canada Age: 42 Montreal
Robichaud loves the limelight, and sees war as a chance for every man to shine, Particularly himself. Show cowardice and he'll throw you to the dogs.
SGT. Jonathon Callard
Argyils of canada Age: 37 Toronto
Callard has an illustrious army career thanks to his bravery, common sence, and the knowledge that sometimes the best thing you can say is nothing.
PTE. Kyle Peterson
Argyils of canada Age: 27 Toronto
Peterson could only be in one of two places at this stage in his life. In france engaging enemy soldiers, or doing hard time in prison back home.
PTE. Leslie Baron
Argyils of canada Age: 22 Calary
Baron followed his goal to serve with the renowed Robichaud, just as his father did before him, but the bloodshed he seen now causes him to back away.
MAJ. Stan Jachowicz
Polish Armored Division Age: 47 Krakow
"papa" Jack started his millitary career as a foot soldier in the great war. Afterwards, he became a mechanic, but rejoined the army when he couldn't make ends meet.
CPL. Joakim Rudinski
Polish Armored Division Age: 34 Krakow
Lucky runds quirks and superstitions have spread throught the squad, and they hang on his every judgement. If Rudinski says they will live, they will live.
SGT. Lukasz Kowalski
Polish Armored Division Age: 31 Lubin
"bang boom" Kowalski dreams of marrying a girl in a gingham dress and living on a farm in Minnesota. The only thing thats stoping him is 3 million german soldiers.
PFE. Marek Ulan
Polish Armored Division Age: 19 Warsaw
"beska" Ulans childlike exuberance has not been dampened the war, and the squad sees him as a symbol of what their fighting for. He keeps their spirits high and their focus clear.
These are the main protagonists of the story

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Long War Ahead - Characters

These are the names of the different hero's in this book. Each one of them are from all different areas and each one has their own special significance in this book and in this war.

PFE. = ? (if any of you guys find out what this means that would be appreciated)

Also it will list (from right to left): their rank, their name their squad name, age and where they are from.

that will be in my next post.

MOTTOS 2 ^_^


1. If you do things right, people wont be sure if you've done done anything at all.
2. If you don't stand for something, you will fall to anything.
3. It's not for you to die for your country, it's to kill the enemy so they can die for theirs.
4. Those who run away, live to run away again.
6. It's not the strongest warrior that wins but the strongest willed.
7. Mans loneliness is only his fear of life.
8. (sorry but there is not a lot this month, I will try to update when i can, so here it is) If you sit down at a poker table and you don't know who the sucker is, then it's probably YOU!

P.S. I like to eave things on a good and or funny note -_^

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Just a heads up

hey guys its me MADMONKEY ^_^ I just wanted to give you guys a heads up that since people get mad that I am not on I will try to be on more often

oh and btw MADMONKEY is my name on many things. here are a few: myspace, scype, xbox live, and XboxGamer for AIM (i think thats how it is). Also I Will start to write something that I though of during a game I played with lots of others. It will be a, how should I say, Con off of the game "Call of Duty 3" but with a whole bunch of twists, turns, and belive me a lot of gorey painful ways to die in a war type situations.


Saturday, July 14, 2007

My first post!!!

My motto's:
  1. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
  2. The world is like a coloring book, to get the whole picture each other it took.
  3. When the rich wage war its the poor who dies.
  4. An inventor knows when hes achieved perfection not when theres nothing left to add, but when theres nothing left to take away.
  5. Right and wrong are just words, what matters is what you do.
  6. Its not the leaders that make the nation, its the people in them.
  7. When you prey, move your feet.
  8. All the worlds a stage, and all men and women are merly players. They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts.
  9. The wisest men follow their own direction.
  10. The earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot eternally live in a cradle.
  11. Its not the strongest species to survive, but the one most responsive to change.
  12. Never doubt that a small group of committed people can CHANGE THE WORLD, indeed its the only thing that ever has.
  13. Last but not least, Snacks are good in moderation. ;3