Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Smoking Smokers

You know, I FUCKING CAN'T STAND SMOKERS, living in Vegas doesn't help either. Not your average smokers that actually smoke, I'm talking about your half hearted quitter. Now there are 2 types of quitters, those who say "you know what I quit" and actually quit and never pick up another cigarette again. I like these people, they are strong willed beings who deserve a big piece of cake or sugary item of their choice. Then theres the other type of quitter, the "I've been trying to quit for 10 years now" quitter. The FUCKING weak willed JACKASS who smokes for 1 week, quits for 3 days, and starts right back up again because he or she "needs their fix" and can't handle reality without their nicotine. Now just because they decided to quit, any time something goes wrong they get all bet out of shape and depressed and for some reason decide to everything out on you, the non-smoker. Well guess what, I"M NOT DEALING WITH THAT SHIT, FUCK THESE HALF ASS QUITTERS AND THEIR IDIOTIC EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTERS. IF YOUR A QUITTER FUCKING QUIT, IF YOUR A SMOKER, SMOKE YOUR GOD-DAMN BRAINS OUT just don't be one of these PUSSY ASS BULLSHITTERS who "wants to quit but just can't do it" GROW UP!! Don't go around and ruin every ones fucking day just because you can't have a cigarette! You know that's what they do, they all just ruin your day. Now just because they're going through nicotine withdrawals, these brain dead over developed cum shots are bursting into tears or setting themselves on fire anytime the office copier isn't working properly. A lot of people like to say "well you don't really understand unless your a smoker" frankly I just don't really give a shit. Just because some asshole made the mistake of smoking up and getting addicted to nicotine 12 years ago all of a sudden I have to be all supportive and understanding on their "road to recovery", SCREW THAT!! I went through my life making DAMN sure I didn't smoke, and now, because some ASS CLOWN didn't have the will power to say NO and got hooked 12 years ago, I'm suppose to take their moody BULLSHIT?! FUCK THEM, FUCK THEM UP THE ASS WITH A PACK OF CIGARETTES AND 3 CIGARS!! These indecisive wastes of DNA need to make a FUCKING choice, your either a smoker or your not, find out which one and be that person. If you can't decide then stay the FUCK away from me and eat some of those nicotine patches until your eyes turn yellow. Stop bothering me with your pathetic crap you loser.

1 comment:

wings said...

Smokers are stupid!!!!!
my mom smokes but i want her to quit!

hope the smoke doesn't get to you!
don't need more smokers!!!

hope you have a great day!!!!