Monday, December 10, 2007

Accidents At Home

Accidents at home! Have you heard of this before? That studies show that most accidents occur at home. Did you know that? Yes, each year all sorts of hard earned tax payers dollars go to STUPID organizations that these STUPID studies that tell us something obvious!! "Well studies show that most accidents DO occur at home!" Well, NO SHIT! Wouldn't it be obvious that since you like in this "home" and spend 90% of your lives in these "homes" wouldn't common sense dictate that, yes, most accidents would occur in a place you spend most of your time?! "Well studies show that fewer accidents happen when your on vacation." Well since I only get to take take 1 vacation say, EVERY 6 YEARS, chances are that's correct, don't do it much so chances of an accident are pretty slim. Good job research department! Then they try to get details about these same studies by looking closer in to the subject matter. "Well, we all know most accident occur in the home, but did you know most of those accidents occur in the bathroom?" Well je, a completely tiled room that tends to get damp and slippery, with large protruding ceramic fixtures JUTTING out of the walls, you know razors blades laying around, clipping shears, electrical devices dangling over a sink or tub filled with water? Accidents, there, naw GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! "no no no it's true, and the kitchen, the kitchen is the 2nd most dangerous room in your house." Really, the kitchen you say? Whole room filled with sharpened utensils, gas stove, toaster, other various items that create a dangerous amount of heat? You mean this place is dangerous, get out I don't believe that for one second. "Yep it's true, I read a new research study about it." Well je, THAT WASN'T A WASTE OF TAX PAYERS MONEY!! What urks me more than these dopie studies, are the studies that tell everyone, that these studies waste a lot tax payer money. That drives me nuts, do we really need a team of "experts" telling us that another team of "experts" are wasting our money, ISN'T THAT A WASTE OF MONEY! They should really let every American vote on what studies are actually done. I don't want some idiotic senate ASSHOLE telling some research group to do a study on how big cars use more gas then economy cars. It's obvious. I really think we need to weed out some of these egghead lab rats and start using the tax payer money a little more wisely say I don't know, EDUCATION! JUST A THOUGH!